Geany windows
Geany windows

geany windows

Go to the “Advance”-tab and click on “Environment Variables…”.Under task you click “Advance system settings”, normally you will get a a window like in the screen’s (fig.3).Now, go to start (the windows icon in the bottom left corner -_- ), right click on “Computer” and chose “properties”.If all went well it will download all the packages and install them, this was the fun part :-) A few more clicks on “next” and then “install”.Use the default destination folder (C:\MinGW).At this step you can chose the components you need, check the g++ compiler like in the screenshot (fig.2), for now this is more then enough, if you need more components in the future, you always can run the installer again and add more components.Select download and install and click next (fig.1).Download it and execute it (I can all hear you thinking: “duh”).(and hopefully also under VISTA SP1)įirst we are going to install MinGW, the best way to do this, is using the MiniGW Auto Installer. I did this under the “home premium” edition of Vista, so the change is big this will work under other versions as well. Here you can read how you install MinGW and get it up and running together with Geany under Windows Vista. Because I know that I’m not the only leek in the world who is learning C++, I written a small tutorial in human language.

#Geany windows how to

Offcource you can find lots of information how to get it running if you google a little bit, but even then it was hard for me to get it up and running. Even more, after I found one it didn’t really work on its own. I just started to learn C++ and finding a good compiler for windows Vista isn’t as easy as I thought it would be.

Geany windows